Dr. Moeller’s Quince Brandy
Credits Corporate Name of Client: Schnapsbrennerei Dr. Thorsten Möller Client Account Director: Dr. Thorsten Möller Agency Account Director: Anne Jordan Agency: Serviceplan, Munich Design Company: Serviceplan, Munich Creative Director: Christoph Everke Copywriter: Cosimo Moeller Art Director: Alexander Nagel Graphic Designers: Adrian Jäschke/Matthäus Frost/ Elena Ressel Chief Creative Officer: Alex Schill
Basic description of the project: The exclusive quince liquor is a truly unique drink, a precious distillate that should be poured and enjoyed with great care. And to make sure that not a drop is wasted, Dr. Möller’s Quince Brandy now also comes in a calibrated pipette bottle. This emphasises the product’s exclusive nature and with a touch of humour alludes to the medical history of its manufacturer.