Public Service/Social WelfareEntrant:
Amnesty International "Emergency"
Credits Corporate Name of Client: Amnesty International Client Account Director: Philippe Hensmans Agency Account Director: Ariane Grosemans Agency: air, Brussels Chief Creative Officer: Eric Hollander Creative Directors: Gregory Ginterdaele/Marie-Laure Cliquennois Copywriter: Gregory Ginterdaele Production Company: Sonicville, Brussels Producer: Lydia Desloover
An out-of-breath person dials an emergency phone number (we hear panicked breathing).
An automated message is played (female voice, pleasant and polite):
Hello and welcome to our emergency number.
Please follow the instructions:
If your family has been the victim of a summary execution, Dial 1
If your people have been arbitrarily deported or exiled, Dial 2
If you are suffering degrading treatment and/or torture, Dial 3
If you are a child victim of prostitution, Dial 4
If you are a child working 16 hours a day in a workshop, Dial 5
If you are a child soldier, Dial 6
Voice-Over (male voice, serious and sincere)
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