From: London International Awards
Contact: Bee Lee:
Telephone: +1 718 747 6747
EMBARGOED UNTIL MONDAY, 8 Nov 2010, 1900 hrs GMT
Y&R wins Network of the Year; RCKR/Y&R, London wins Agency of the Year; MJZ wins Production Company of the Year.
For the first time in their 25-year history, LIA is honouring the Network of the Year, Agency of the Year and Production Company of the Year. These winners were decided based on the outstanding work chosen by the Juries across all media and was determined by giving points for all winning and finalist entries regardless of the entrant.
The following is the Point System used to determine each honour:
Grand LIA = 5 points
Gold LIA = 4 points
Silver LIA = 3 points
Bronze LIA = 2 points
Finalist = 1 point
Network of the Year is Y&R
Agency of the Year is RCKR/Y&R, London
Production Company of the Year is MJZ
RCKR/Y&R was awarded three Gold, seven Silver, ten bronze and five Finalists;
MJZ was awarded six Gold, two Silver, five Bronze and five Finalists;
Y&R was awarded six Gold, seventeen Silver, twentysix Bronze and eighteen Finalists.
“Our point system is not so much about ranking. It’s about honouring the Agency, Production Company and Network that have consistently done exceptionally good work throughout the year,” explained Barbara Levy, President of London International Awards. “These Winners are not one-hit wonders. They continually demonstrate the staying power of their good work. So what better time than our 25th, which is a milestone for any awards show, to introduce these new awards.”
Of the 13,562 submissions, from 79 countries, only four percent (4%) attained Shortlist status. Of those elite selections, only 0.6% won Gold Statues; 0.87% Silver Statues; 1.12% Bronze Statues and 1.33% Finalist. The vast number of submissions reflects the prestige and explosive growth of the London International Awards since its inception in 1986 when 2,600 submissions were considered.
All Winning Work, Creative Credits, Press Releases and LIA Statue images can be accessed on the London International Awards Press site. High-resolution images of Winners and Finalists can be downloaded from this site.
To Access the Press site:
Username: pressaccess
Password: liapress2010
About London International Awards:
All Winners were honoured at The London International Awards
25th Annual Gala Celebration held at the Troxy in London.
This year marks LIA's 25th anniversary, a milestone in the life of any organisation, and a tribute to the many who have contributed to its success. As an awards show, LIA has established itself throughout its 25-year history as a revolutionary global leader honouring creativity and new ideas in Advertising, Design and Digital media.