Public Service/Social WelfareEntrant:
Try Reklamebyrå,
Norwegian Women's Shelter Association "Emergency Call"
Credits Corporate Name of Client: Norsk Krisesenterforbund Client Account Director: Wenche Holmberg Nielsen Agency Account Directors: Helge Gjertveit/Lise Schelvan Agency: TRY Reklamebyrå, Oslo Copywriters: Lars Joachim Grimstad/Egil Pay Production Company: Verdens Sterkeste Mann, Oslo
Concept: Police The Police. Emergency calls…..hallo
Woman Yes, hi. This is Monica Andresen. I would like to order a pizza for 74 Church Street.
Police (interrupts) This is the police emergency line
Woman mumbles in the background
Police This is the emergence line for the pol….
Woman Yes, that’s right……. The address is 74 Church Street. We would like to order a large pizza no. 11, with ham and mushrooms.
Police (confused) ehhhhh…… yes
Woman Yeah. And it would be really great if could get here as quickly as possible.
Police Yeah. Yes, I understand. (We’ll be right there.)
More than a quarter of Norwegian women are exposed to violence from their partners. Get help before it’s too late. (Read more at) Women