The NEW CategoryEntrant:
Hal, Masashi, Magico & Masayoshi,
New York
Credits Media Type: Music Video Corporate Name of Client: Zealot Co., Ltd./Neutral Nine Records/ Sour Agency: Hal, Masashi, Magico & Masayoshi, New York Directors: Hal Kirkland/Masashi Kawamura/ Magico Nakamura/Masayoshi Nakamura
Basic description of the project: Sour ‘Hibi No Niero’ is a music video that is filmed entirely via webcam. The 80 plus cast members were sourced from the band’s international fan base. Each animation sequence relies on the precise choreography of up to 64 people at a time, each webcam screen representing one pixel in a larger image. With a production budget of $0 the entire production relied solely on the enthusiasm and time donated by the fans themselves. Webcam also provided a very poignant medium since they’ve become the standard tool for connecting people around the world.