The NEW CategoryEntrant:
BBDO New York,
New York
Starbucks & (RED)™
Credits Media Type: Television, Print, Websites, Live Events, Networked Communities Corporate Name of Client: Starbucks & (RED)™ Agency: BBDO New York, New York Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars Group Creative Directors: David Carter/Linda Honan Agency Producer: Jesse Brihn Production Company: Gorgeous Enterprises, London/Santa Monica Director: Chris Palmer Executive Producers: Paul Rothwell/Rupert Smythe/ Brian Latt/Jennifer Siegel/ Dustin Callif Producers: Michaela Johnson/Justin Bain Interactive Designers: Craig Bryant/Michael Sanders/ Tom Stanley Director of Music/Radio Production: Rani Vaz Digital Production Company: Tool of North America Director of Integrated Production: Brian DiLorenzo Director, Projection Location: Paul Ellison Interactive Director: Aaron Koblin Music Company: Search Party Music
Basic description of the project: We pushed Starbucks’ holiday initiative beyond merely selling a product and used their global reach to raise awareness and donations for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS in Africa.
On December 7th, at 1:30 pm GMT, we united musicians from over 156 countries to sing “All You Need Is Love” at exactly the same time. The live footage was broadcast at a London event and on, so the whole world could see and join in.
The event set a new Guinness World Records™ record for “Most Nations in an Online Sing-a-long.”